Membership Options
We have able to fill the time with exciting continuing education opportunities to those working, or preparing to work, in the birth field.
Hello?! Anyone remember those times we had these amazing guests visit us: Anne Frye, CPM, Dr. Sarah Buckley, Dr. Rixa Freeze, Dr. David Hayes, Kim Osterholzer, CPM and so much more!!
We have done the best that we can to make these events available at a low cost so that everyone has access to this knowledge and practice of these skills. Thanks to all who have purchased a membership and have been at the front line of our workshops and programs.
We will continue to offer the membership for 2024 at these prices.
*Membership is not required to participate in any Carolina Birth Junkie event.
Membership Benefits:
Workshop/ event costs will be discounted
$50 off of the Summer Island Retreat
Quarterly newsletters
Various discounts and coupons exclusive to members!
Dr. Rixa Freeze captivated some Birth Junkies at our 2019 Summer Island Retreat during the 2 day Breech Without Borders workshop.
Oh My Goodness! Aren't Dr. Sarah Buckley and her husband the cutest models for our CBJ merch?
All the shades of pink and purple at the Breech Without Borders workshop at the Retreat in 2019. Yes! You do see Anne Frye, CPM and Dr. David Hayes! We had!!!
Birth Professional Membership: $75.00
Midwives, Physicians, Doulas, Chiropractors, etc
Midwife/ Doula Student: $60
Currently enrolled students in a midwifery, doula, etc program
Please complete the registration at our Online Store here.