Cervical Exams
& Paps
April 21, 2024
Mended By Hand,
Rock Hill, SC
These skills are usually the "final frontier" for midwives to learn. Join us to sharper your knowledge in being able to asses cervical change, fetal positioning and how to do a gentle pap smear. It doesn't have to be awful!
We will have opportunity to simulate these skills and even see a few cervixes. Bonus, if you are in need of a pap smear, you can have it done here by a peer and even see your own cervix.
Why does a cervix need an exam, pregnant or not? What does a Pap smear tell us? If a person is pregnant, is a pelvic exam necessary? When is a cervical exam appropriate? What do we learn? How much bearing will this information have on the pregnancy and/ or labor and birth? Participation is encouraged. For anyone who needs a Pap, come on down!
Lori Gibson, CPM, LM, MBC will guide us through the history and purpose of the speculum, Pap smears and cervical exams. She will present information on the procedure and reasons why to have your cervix examined whether you're pregnant or not.
If you need to have a Pap, there will be an extra lab fee for Pap smears which may be billed to your insurance company or directly to you. Please feel free to contact us for more information if you're interested.
When: Sunday, April 21, 2:00-6:00 pm
Where: Mended By Hand Massage and Wellness
Rock, Hill, SC 29732
Cost: CBJ members: $45
Non-Members: $50
Plus lab fee billed separately if getting a Pap.
4 (four) MEAC CEUs have been applied for and if approved will be available for purchase.